Banded Peak June Community Pint: Guavamorphology, Kristine O'Rielly, & SheJumps
About SheJumps
SheJumps is a non-profit organization whos mission is to increase the participation of women in outdoor activities. SheJumps motivates women of all backgrounds to step out of their comfort zone in a fun, non-threatening, inclusive environment to learn outdoor skills. They bridge the divide between intimidating experience and confidence-building empowerment. Through this “challenge-by-choice environment,” participants are given the tools and community support to fully enjoy the outdoors, gain confidence and skills to become leaders.
SheJumps hosts events that offer a wide variety of outdoor activities ranging from wilderness survival and mountaineering to technical maintenance and skill-building clinics in a variety of disciplines. These events are educational and help women to become self-sufficient in the outdoors.
About Kristine
Kristine O'Rielly is a local Calgarian, who will be heading to Wyoming to climb the Grand Teton (4,100 m) with a group of all-female climbers, all of who are volunteers with the organization, SheJumps. Kristine is a certified hiking guide with the Association of Canadian Mountain Guides and is a huge advocate for increasing accessibility to outdoor recreation. She attributes her confidence, leadership abilities, and communication skills to her access to the great outdoors. Kristine knows that many women don't feel that way about the great outdoors and that sometimes the backcountry can seem like a scary place, which is why the SheJumps mission really resonates with her.
We donated $226 to Kristine O'Rielly and SheJump from the sale of pints of Guava in the Banded Peak Taproom in the month of June!