Prostate Cancer Centre
Banded Peak November Community Pint: Plainsbreaker and the Prostate Cancer Centre.
$1 from every Plainsbreaker Pint sold in the Banded Peak Taproom in the month of November will be donated to the Prostate Cancer Centre.
About Prostate Cancer Centre:
The Prostate Cancer Centre fights prostate cancer by delivering one-stop support to men and families through rapid access to personalized care, research, and education.
1 in 6 Albertan men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime, but it is almost 100% treatable when caught early. This is why the Prostate Cancer Centre promotes early detection through their MAN VAN™ program.
The MAN VAN is rolling into Banded Peak Brewery - The MAN VAN™ will be at Banded Peak Brewery on Thursday, November 24 between 4PM and 7PM offering free baseline PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) blood tests to men over the age of 40 and Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose, Stress Check Questionnaire and Waist Circumference measurements to all men over 18.
Balancing work, family and a social life keeps men busy. Health is not always top-of-mind. It can be very difficult for men to fit regular doctor visits into their schedules. That is why the Prostate Cancer Centre is pleased to offer the services of the MAN VANto the community. No appointment is necessary.
The PSA test is a simple blood test that helps in the early detection of prostate cancer. PSA is a protein produced by the prostate and released in small amounts to the blood stream. The amount of PSA in the bloodstream can often predict a man’s risk of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the leading cancer in Albertan men. One man in seven will develop prostate cancer in his lifetime. Approximately 2600 men will be diagnosed annually with prostate cancer and 8 men will die from it every week.
In Canada, the state of men’s health is often called the “silent crisis”. Men live five years less than women on average and out of the top 15 causes of death, men lead in 14. Men also are more likely to avoid preventative care, delay treatment, pay less attention to health information and are less likely to have a health care provider. Measurements for depression, waist circumference, blood pressure, and blood glucose can help men determine a Man’s overall health status and allow health practitioners to catch and possibly reverse potential problems early on.
We donated $100 from the sale of Plainsbreaker Pints in the Banded Taproom in November to the Prostate Cancer Centre!